Two weeks ago I got a new to me sewing machine. Into my craft room it went, in the middle to be precise, where it then waited to get put away somewhere. I was not getting around to it, so decided that I better make that my challenge this week. Here is what my room looked like before.
My cutting table and scrapbook stuff. |
And wah lah (is that how you spell that?) My room now after moving 3 tables and my sewing cabinet around the room until I found a configuration that worked. I probably could have saved myself some time by simply measuring the tables and the walls, but that would have involved finding a tape measure and who knows where that would be.
My sewing cabinet and cut table. I tried to avoid putting them next to the cold windows but it was not to be. |
I am uber (my hubby would definitely make fun of my for using that word) excited to have everything all set up and ready to go now. Christmas gifts waiting to be made, watch out here I come.